Spiritual Development

At Holy Trinity CE Primary, we believe in the spiritual development of all our pupils - through the curriculum and through the wider school life.

We use the ‘Windows, Mirrors and Doors’ philosophy to broaden and deepen our understanding about spiritual learning and to promote the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of each child.

The fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and belief, are actively promoted.


We gaze out through windows onto the world, responding with our emotions and trying to make sense of what we see. We wonder about life’s ‘WOWs’ (things that are amazing) and ‘OWs’ (things that bring us up short). We learn about life in all its fullness.


We use mirrors to reflect on our thoughts and feelings, and how what we see through the window connects with our inner selves; how we connect with what we see and understand.  Children are given the opportunities to reflect on their experiences; to meditate on life’s big questions and to consider some possible answers. We learn from life by exploring our own insights and perspectives and those of others.


This becomes a spiritual experience when it transforms us, and so we walk out through the door into life differently from before. Children are given the opportunities to respond to all of this; to do something creative as a means of expressing, applying and further developing their thoughts and convictions. We learn to live by putting into action what we are coming to believe and value.