Charity 2024

Proud to be a Democratic school 

Each year, the pupils at Holy Trinity Lamorbey CE Primary School vote to sponsor 2 charities. This year, they have chosen London's Air Ambulance and Spread a Smile.

London Air Ambulance


When patients are seriously injured and there is no time to reach hospital, our medics give life-saving treatment at the scene. But time is running out. Our helicopters need replacing this year at a cost of £15 million. 

We only have six months left to raise the money. You can help us continue to save lives in London but we need help before it is too late. 

As a charity we can’t do it without your support. Donate now to fund your new fleet.


Spread a Smile

Spread a Smile brings joy and laughter to seriously ill and hospitalised children and their families during long hospital stays.  Every year we spread smiles to thousands of children and teenagers and their families through our hospital visitsoutings and events and art initiatives. We know that our impact is far greater than a smile as we strive to make a real and positive difference to young lives at the most challenging of times.


National Deaf Children's Society

The NDCS is our third charity for the academic year 2020-21. We have a number of hearing-impaired children in school so this charity is very close to our hearts. The NDCS vision is a world without barriers for every deaf child and their mission is to overcome the social and educational barriers that hold deaf children back. Their core beliefs are:
  1. Deaf children can do anything other children can do, given the right support from the start. 
  2. Effective language and communication skills lie at the heart of deaf children and young people’s social, emotional and intellectual development.
  3. Families are the most important influence on deaf children and young people and need clear, balanced information to make informed choices.
  4. Deaf children should be involved in decisions which affect them as early as possible.5. Deaf children should be valued by society and have the same opportunities as any other child.