6LG's Class Assembly
An exciting game show with fantastic energy that brought down the house!
Year 6LG started off this term's parents' assembly yesterday with a quiz show medley. KS2 students and year 6 parents formed the live audience for a series of quiz games all hosted, created and played by the students in 6LG.
Last week, students were introduced to Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning and began to explore how learning can be looked at in different levels of complexity. Students then chose to specialise in either maths, RE, history or English and were asked to create a bank of questions which catered to varied levels of learning. With guidance from Mr Rebelo, questions were entered around a central theme of thinking in new ways. In RE this takes the form of strengthening faith by exploring the origin of the Messiah. English and history are challenging students to think from the perspectives of those in WWII and create a diversity of written works that convey a high level of empathy and mastery of writing. This term, maths is compounding the year 5 curriculum by introducing multistep problems and requiring students to manipulate fractions in multiple ways.
The hall filled with cheer and excitement as 4 hosts carried the pink and blue team through a challenging gauntlet of quizzes. Year 6LG is proud of what they created and were especially thankful to share it with their families this week!