Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to children from low-income families, children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and children from Services families.
Schools are free to spend their Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, we will be held to account for how we have used the additional funding to narrow the gap for these targeted pupils. We are required to publish online about how we have used the funding. This is to ensure that parents and other stakeholders are made fully aware of the impact of this additional resourcing on learning and achievement outcomes within our school.
The allocation and monitoring of the Pupil Premium grant at Holy Trinity has been reviewed and refreshed with a pupil specific focus. Funding will be used to support the pupils entitled to the premium and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.
If you feel that you might be entitled to Pupil Premium but do not currently claim, please see the below document (Pupil Premium Eligibility Letter 2023/24) or email contact@htl.bexley.sch.uk. All enquiries are dealt with in the strictest confidence.
As of September 2023, all primary aged pupils are now eligible for the Universal Free School Meals scheme (this does not include Nursery). However, the school can still receive the extra funding to assist in other areas of their education so please make an application. If your child has a packed lunch you are still able to apply for Pupil Premium.
Information is also available via the following link: Click here to visit the website
The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated annually in the school budget in respect of each child who is currently entitled to receive Free School Meals or who has been entitled to free school meals at any point over the last six years. It is also granted in respect of any Looked After Children and children of Service Families.
We always seek to provide outstanding teaching for all children. Timely, precision teaching provision and intervention is used to maximise children’s progress and attainment. The Pupil Premium helps us to deliver specific additional interventions to eligible children whose attainment might not otherwise fully reflect their potential.
To continue to support eligible children’s learning in the classroom
- Have named members of SLT responsible for PP
- Teaching Assistant to support learning and to close the gap for pupil premium pupils across the school
- To engage pupils in the learning task
To provide quality in school support to engage pupil premium pupils
- Targeted mentoring and support to build self-esteem and confidence as well as support and challenge learning across the curriculum
- Engagement with parents and carers to provide support and challenge on attendance, learning attitudes and aspirations
- Targeted support for children who have missed schooling in order for them to ‘catch up’
- School trips and visits
- Out of hours school clubs
- School Journey Subsidy
- Support through Draw and Talk therapy interventions
- School Uniform
- Access to funded dyslexia screening tests.
We recognise that each of our Pupil Premium children has individual needs, so that the teachers and other professionals responsible will need to select the best interventions for each eligible child accordingly. The Assistant Principal will lead the professional and operational supervision of these interventions, accountable to the Principal.
Monitoring and Evaluating
The overall effectiveness and impact is monitored regularly in line with the school monitoring cycle, usually through pupil progress meetings and meetings to review the impact of interventions.
In evaluating the effectiveness, a range of evidence is used including:
- Attainment and progress outcomes
- Feedback from staff, the child, parents and other professionals who may be involved
- Examples of learning through photographs, recorded learning, transcriptions or recordings of what the child says
- Impressionistic evidence relating to improved confidence, well-being, attitude, behaviour, etc.
The progress of children targeted will be monitored in a number of ways:
- Attainment and progress outcomes
- Attendance and punctuality tracking
- Attitudes through questionnaires and mentoring discussions
- Learning behaviour in class and through mentoring sessions.
The governors’ will have a monitoring oversight to the use of the Pupil Premium Funding and the provisions it supports.
The Principal will produce regular reports for the governors. This report will include:
- The progress made towards closing the attainment gap, by year group and for children eligible for pupil premium
- An outline of the provision and the impact of this provision on narrowing the gap
- An evaluation of the cost-effectiveness in terms of the progress made by the children receiving particular provision, when compared with other forms of support
- The average progress of these children receiving support funded from pupil premium provide comparative data showing our schools progress relative to other schools nationally through data supplied in the PiXL data returns
- The progress made towards the action plan priorities and impact on pupil progress and attitudes.
The governors are responsible for publishing a report on the school’s use of the Pupil Premium each year, via the school’s website. This report will comply with statutory requirements, and also seek to be informative for parents and other stakeholders.
Our Pupil Premium Plan can be found below.