Garden - Outdoor Donations Needed!

Good Afternoon Parents and Carers,

We would like to thank everyone at HTL who has helped to support the PTA's fundraising efforts. This has enabled us to bring the outdoor learning garden project to life.

 The PTA have funded a new roof for the outdoor gazebo and a new fence to make this space secure and safe for the teachers and children to start using.

 A huge thank you to all those parents who have given up their time over the past 12 months to help clear and tidy this space, and a special mention to Marie & Karl Brickwood for installing the fence.

 We are kindly asking for any donations of items that could be used in the Outdoor Learning Garden. If you have any of the items listed on the poster, please feel free to drop them off at the school (leaving them by the Big Green container located in the staff carpark). 

 Thank you for your continued support.